* This project was initially termed 'Mitchell Mill 115 acres'; Applicant chose new project name effective 01/27/2022.
MA 22-01 - Map Amendment (Rezoning) application for approximately 115 Acres (4 Tracts - 1757750520, 1757761273, 1757778982, and a portion of 1757738648) from the Wake County R-30 zoning District to the Town of Rolesville Land Development Ordinance (LD) zoning district of Neighborhood Center Mixed Use (NC) per LDO Section 3.4. The Concept Plan proposes maximums of 107 Townhome dwelling units, 211 Single-family detached dwelling units, and 3.57 acres for non-residential uses.
Three submittals were made and reviewed by the TRC between January and November 2022; Applicant conducted two Neighborhood meetings, on 03-16-2022 ( virtual 'Google Meet' ) and 01-10-2023 (in-person). This application was ultimately replaced by REZ-23-03 when Applicant made significant changes to the Rezoning request in March 2023.
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) - Processed companion to Rezoning Map Amendment application MA 22-01, performed in Spring 2022. The sealed Final Report is dated 'May 2022'. The NCDOT Congestion Management Report is dated June 16, 2022. TIA was Revised in 2023 to reflect the change in Zoning districts, the number/distribution of dwelling units, and concise nature of the non-residential component (Day Care use) being proposed.
- TIA analyzed project specifics of 211 Single-family detached dwelling units, 109 townhome (also termed 'multi-family housing low-rise') dwelling units, and 25,400 SF of Retail uses. The Trip Generation Summary: 257 AM Peak, 418 PM Peak, 4,080 Daily Trips.
- Due to the March 2023 revision to the associated Rezoning application (MA 22-01 being replaced by REZ-23-03), the completed TIA requires revision and update to reflect the new scope of the project [155 SFD, 115 TH, 12,000 SF Day care use, Access A as Right-In/Right-Out]. The Revised TIA is dated 06/23/2023.
- NCDOT Congestion Management Report dated 08/04/2023 - Recommends a Right-Turn lane into Site Access 1 (western access).
ANX 22-04 - DENIED - 11-08-2023 - A Voluntary Annexation petition as an associated requirement of Map Amendment MA 22-01, to annex PINs 1757761273, 1757778982, 1758850520, and 1757758529 into Town corporate limits. TRC Review conducted June through August 2022. On 2022-10-04, Town Board of Commissioners (as part of the Consent Agenda) directed the Town Clerk to Investigate Sufficiency of the Petition. On 2023-08-01, the Town Board of Commissioners will vote to call for a Public Hearing be held on 09-05-2023 (based on anticipated public hearing for the related REZ-23-03 tentatively scheduled to be presented to the Town Board on that date). On 2023-08-28, the Planning Board voted 3-1 on a recommendation of Approval to the Town Board.
- On 2023-11-08, the Town Board of Commissioners voted 4-1 on a motion to Deny the Voluntary Annexation Petition.
TA-23-05 - In May 2023, the Applicant submitted a Text Amendment to the LDO for the topic of Single-family Attached Lot Frontage from private access easements rather than Public right-of-ways; see that project page - https://www.rolesvillenc.gov/project/ta-23-05 . The Text Amendment was considered at the same time as the Annexation Petition and Rezoning request.
REZ-23-03 - DENIED - 11-08-2023 - Rezoning application for approximately 115 Acres (4 Tracts - 1757750520, 1757761273, 1757778982, and a portion of 1757738648) from the Wake County R30 zoning District to these Town of Rolesville Land Development Ordinance (LD) zoning districts: approximately 13 acres of Neighborhood Center Mixed Use (NC) per LDO Section 3.4, as a Conditional Zoning (CZ) District per LDO Section 3.3. (so NC-CZ), and approximately 102 acres of Residential High Density (RH) District per LDO Section 3.1.2. as a Conditional Zoning (CZ) District per LDO Section 3.3 (so RH-CZ). The proposed Conditions request approval to construct a maximum of 270 single-family dwelling units, of which no more than 115 shall be Single-family Attached (Townhomes) and the balance (270 - 115 Townhome max = 165 minimum) being Single-family Detached dwelling units; the Conditions provide commitments to other development aspects, including general compliance with the provided Concept Plan layout of the development.
The application made two (2) submittal that were reviewed by the TRC Staff between March and July, 2023. The Applicant held a (3rd) Neighborhood Meeting on May 23, 2023.
On 2023-07-24, the Planning Board voted 3-1 (1 absent) on a motion to recommend Approval as presented to the Town Board of Commissioners.
The Town Board of Commissioners conducted the required Legislative hearing, and considered this application on three successive Regular Meeting agendas; on 2023-09-05, the Board vote 4-0 on a motion to continue the Legislative Hearing to 10-03-2023; on 2023-10-03, the Board conducted and closed the Legislative hearings for both the Voluntary Annexation Petition and Rezoning Map Amendment application, then voted 5-0 on a motion to continue the review of ANX-22-04 and REZ-23-03, to the November 8, 2023 meeting; on 2023-11-08, the Board voted 4-1 on a motion to Deny the Rezoning Map Amendment request. On 2023-12-05, the Town Board of Commissioners voted 5-0 to approve Item 10.c., adoption of a Plan Consistency and Reasonableness Statement for REZ-23-03 Hills at Harris Creek, supporting the previous Denial of the application.
ANX-24-01 - APPROVED MAY 7, 2024 - Voluntary Annexation Petition for 115.466 acres (PINs 1757761273, 1757778982, 1758850520, and 1757758529 ) from Wake County's Jurisdiciton into the corporate limits of the Town of Rolesville.
- April 2, 2024 - The Town Board of Commissioners directed the Town Clerk to investigate the sufficiency of the Annexation request, and called for a legislative hearing to be held on May 7, 2024.
- May 7, 2024 - The Town Board of Commissioners conducted a Legislative Hearing and considered the Petition, and voted 5-0 on a motion to Approve.
REZ-24-02 - APPROVED MAY 7, 2024 -- Rezoning application for approximately 115 Acres (4 Tracts - 1757750520, 1757761273, 1757778982, and a portion of 1757738648) from the Wake County R30 zoning District to the Town of Rolesville Land Development Ordinance (LDO) zoning district of Residential Medium Density (RM) District per LDO Section 3.1.2. as a Conditional Zoning (CZ) District per LDO Section 3.3 (so RM-CZ). The proposed Conditions request approval to construct a maximum of 225 single-family detached (SFD) dwelling units; the Conditions provide commitments to other development aspects, including general compliance with the provided Concept Plan layout of the development. Town TRC reviews occured during February and March 2024; Applicant conducted a Neighborhood Meeting on March 18, 2024; the Planning Board Recommended approval to the Town Board of Commissioners with a vote of 3-2 (+ 2 absent). On May 7, 2024, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted a Legislative Hearing and considered the Rezoning application request; on a motion to Approve the Rezoning request as presented, with an additional Condition of Approval regarding construction to NCDOT standards of a westbound acceleration lane within the existing Mitchell Mill Road right-of-way for Manly Farm Road; to Adopt a Plan Consistency and Reasonableness Statement; and to Adopt Ordinance 2024-O-07 - the Board voted unanimously 5-0. See associated ANX-24-01.
PSP-24-03 - UNDER REVIEW -- Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Subdivision of 114.5 acres to develop 221 single-family detached lots, XX open space lots, XX __, and XX linear feet of new public right-of-ways.
- 1st Submittal received 06-03-2024, on TRC STAFF Review during JUNE 2024; comments published on 2024-07-06. V1 Plan set is 50 Sheets.
- 2nd Submittal received 09-03-2024, on TRC STAFF Review during SEPTEMBER 2024; comments published on 2024-10-04. V2 Plan set is 57 sheets.
- 3rd Submittal received 11-01-2024, on TRC STAFF Review during NOVEMBER 2024; comments published on 2024-12-08. V3 Plan set is 66 Sheets.
- 4th Submittal received 02-03-2025, on TRC STAFF Review during FEBRUARY 2025; comments published on 2025-02-22. V4 Plan set is 72 sheets and is in two parts - Part 1 is 46 sheets, being Cover -> C-8.8 / Part 2 is 26 sheets, being C-9.0 -> D-4.0.
CID-24-07 - UNDER REVIEW --Construction Infrastructure Drawings - Construction Drawing plans for subdivision of 114.5 acres to develop 221 single-family detached lots, XX open space lots, XX __, and XX linear feet of new public right-of-ways. Plan set is xxxxx sheets.
- 1st Submittal received 11-01-2024, on TRC STAFF Review during NOVEMBER 2024; comments published on 2024-12-09.
- V1 Plan set is 88 Sheets and broken into 2 parts. Part 1 is 59 Sheets, being Cover --> C-9.13 / Part 2 is 29 sheets, being Sheet L-1.0 --> D-4.2 .
- 2nd Submittal received 02-03-2025, on TRC STAFF Review during FEBRUARY 2025; comments to be published by/on 2025-03-10.
- V2 Plan set is 129 Sheets and broken into 2 parts. Part 1 is 60 Sheets, being Cover --> C-9.14 / Part 2 is 68 sheets, being Sheet C-9.15 --> D-6.2 .
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) - 2022
REZ-23-03 - Rezoning Application - 1st Submittal
- V1 - Application and Statement of Justification
- V1 - Property Owner (4) Consent Forms
- V1 - Concept Plan
- V1 - Zoning Diagram
- V1 - Proposed Conditions of Approval
- V1 - Comments-SUMMARY - READ FIRST
- V1-Comments-ENGINEERING - Mark-ups
- V1-Comments- PARKS - Concept plan mark-up
- V1 - Comments-PLANNING STAFF - mark-up
TA-23-05 - V1 Submittal Text Amendment
Neighborhood Meeting held 5/23/2023
REZ-23-03 - Rezoning Application - 2nd Submittal
- V2 - Response to V1 Comments
- V2 - Duke Powerline Easement discussion
- V2 - Exhibit 1 - Concept Plan rev 6-2-23
- V2 - Exhibit 2 - Zoning District diagram
- V2 - Exhibit 3 - Zoning District Metes & Bounds
- V2 - Exhibit 4 - Townhome Mews sketch/details
- V2 - Exhibit ?tbd? - Proposed Zoning Conditions of Approval
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) - 2023 Revision
REZ-23-03 at Planning Board Mtg held 07/24/2023
Town Board of Commissioners Mtg held 09/05/2023
Town Board of Commissioners Work Session - 09/19/2023
Town Board of Commissioners Mtg held 10/03/2023
TIA - NCDOT Congestion Mgmt Report
Town Board of Commissioners Mtg held 11/08/2023
Town Board of Commissioners Mtg held 12/05/2023
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) - 2024 Revision
REZ-24-02 at Planning Board meeting held 03-25-2024
REZ-24-02 / ANX-24-01 at Town Board of Commissioners - 05-07-2024
PSP-24-03, Preliminary Subdivision Plat - V1
PSP-24-03, Preliminary Subdivision Plat - V2
- V2 - Response to V1 Comment SUMMARY doc
- V2 - Response to V1 Planning mark-ups
- V2 - Response to V1 Engineering Memo
- V2 - Response to V1 Engineering Mark-ups
- V2 - Response to V1 CORPUD Mark-ups
- V2 - Addressing exhibit
- V2 - Revised PSP set dated 8-30-24
- V2 - Comments PLANNING - Memo
- V2 - Comments ENGINEERING - Memo
- V2 - Comments ENGINEERING - Mark-ups
PSP-24-03, Preliminary Subdivision Plat - V3
- V3 - Response to V2 Comment SUMMARY
- V3 - Response to V2 WithersRavenel Planning Memo
- V3 - Response to V2 Engineering Memo
- V3 - Response to V2 Engineering Markups
- V3 - Prelim Plat revised dated 11-01-2024
- Late Submittal-Response to V2 CORPUD mark-ups
- Late Submittal-10 Rvsd Shts - C1.0, C7.0 - C7.8
- Late Submittal-66 Sht Plans Dated 11-01-2024
- V3 - Comments-SUMMARY - READ FIRST
- V3 - Comments-ENGINEERING Memo
- V3 - Comments-ENGINEERING Mark-ups
CID-24-07, Construction Infrastructure Drawings - V1
CID-24-07, Construction Infrastructure Drawings - V2
- V2 - Response to V1 Comment SUMMARY
- V2 - Response to V1 ENgineering Memo
- V2 - Response to V1 ENgineering Part 1 Markups
- V2 - Response to V1 ENgineering Part 2 Markups
- V2 - HGL Report & Gutter Spread
- V2 - Revised CD Plans part 1 of 2 - first 61/129 sheets
- V2 - Revised CD Plans part 2 of 2 - last 68/129 sheets
- V2 - Comments-SUMMARY - READ FIRST
- V2 - Comments-ENGINEERING Memo dated 3-5-25
- V2 - Comments-ENGINEERING Mark-ups_Part 1 of 2
- V2 - Comments-ENGINEERING Mark-ups_Part 2 of 2
- V2 - Comments-CORPUD Mark-ups_Part 1 of 2
- V2 - Comments-CORPUD Mark-ups_Part 2 of 2
PSP-24-03, Preliminary Subdivision Plat - V4
- V4 - Response to V3 Comment SUMMARY doc
- V4 - Response to V3 Engineering Memo
- V4 - Response to V3 Engineering Mark-ups
- V4 - Prelim PLat Part 1 of 2_first 46 sheets
- V4 - Prelim PLat Part 2 of 2_last 26 sheets
- V4 - Comments ENGINEERING Memo dated 02-21-25
- V4 - Comments ENGINEERING Mark-ups