D.A.R.E. Program
D.A.R.E. stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. Offered to elementary school students, this program educates children about the dangers of drugs, gangs, and violence and gives them the tools to make healthy life choices.
Internet Exchange Safe Zone
Users of online marketplaces can use the side parking lot of the Rolesville Police Department (204 Southtown Circle) as a safe place to exchange internet purchases. While a large number of internet transactions occur without issues, the Rolesville Police Department wants to reduce the risk of fraudulent activity by providing a safe zone. The zone is clearly marked by signs and is video recorded 24 hours a day.
Medication Disposal Drop Box
To facilitate the disposal of expired or unwanted medications, the department provides a medication drop box in the lobby of the Rolesville Police Department (204 Southtown Circle). Accepted items include over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, and medication samples. Unacceptable items include liquid medications, ointments, inhalers, aerosols, vitamins, illicit drugs, and items with a needle.
Operation Porch Light
Flip on your light to put crime in sight. All auto break-ins usually have one thing in common: there is something left in the car worth stealing. Most larcenies from cars are “crimes of opportunity” that could be prevented by taking some preventative steps. The Rolesville Police Department recommends that residents turn on exterior porch and driveway lights, lock ALL of their vehicle doors, and avoid leaving valuables in their vehicles.
Telephone Reassurance Program
This service is available to Town residents at no cost, and it is open to anyone who lives alone, age 65 years of age or older, or any adult with a physical disability. The Telephone Reassurance Program provides a friendly and familiar voice to people who live alone and feel isolated from the community because of their homebound status. The program operates Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A trained representative calls between the hours listed above to assure safety and provide a sense of caring. If there is not an answer, an emergency contact person must verify the well-being of the individual.
Annual or Seasonal
Picnic With Police
Come enjoy a free lunch (while supplies last) and get to know some of your local law enforcement! On select WCPSS teacher workdays, our officers will be set up somewhere in town providing free lunch to anyone who would like to join us.
Conversations with Civil Servants-NEW IN 2025
Join your local commissioners and town employees for informal conversations and fellowship. Our department is participating in the inaugural event Saturday ay, April 19, 2025, from 11 am-12 pm at Artisan Beer and Cheese. See you there!
Bicycle Helmet Safety Citation Program (May-September)
From April through September each year the department promotes a positive Bicycle Helmet Safety Citation, which is offered to youth “caught” wearing a safety helmet while bike riding in town. According to NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts, motor vehicle crashes were the leading cause of death for children ages 4 through 14. The injury and death rate statistics of juveniles while operating bicycles on the streets is alarming. Rolesville Police Department partners with McDonald’s to sponsor the program by providing officers with ice cream cone gift cards to share with kids that are spotted wearing a helmet while riding their bicycles and tricycles to reward them and encourage safe habits.
Bicycle Rodeo (May)
Our Bicycle Rodeo is a free event to help kids learn about bike safety in a fun way! While designed for ages 4-14, all are welcome. Our officers will accompany participants through an obstacle course, share bicycle safety tips, and help with helmet fittings. Participants will earn a certificate of completion and have a chance to win cool prizes like a brand-new bike! Bring your bicycle or tricycle from home and join us for a morning of free fun. Save the date: Saturday, May 17th
Camp KIDDS (June)
Camp KIDDS (Kindness, Integrity, Decisions, Duty, Service) is a FREE week-long summer camp for middle school students. This camp teaches participants about substance abuse prevention, anti-bullying, decision-making, and more through a mix of fun and educational activities and speakers. Camp KIDDS is coordinated and staffed by Rolesville police officers, allowing students to interact with local law enforcement in a positive environment. Our camp is supported each year by community sponsors, volunteer junior counselors, and local organizations and programs (like MADD, DARE, and more). Save the date: Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27, 2025. Applications open April 1st.
Popsicles With Police
Throughout the summer you may see officers out at one of the Town's wonderful parks or other areas around the community with a cooler full of popsicles or ice cream to share. Please stop to grab a popsicle to cool down and have a chat with our officers! No dates are scheduled at the moment, these will be pop-up events.
National Night Out (October)
National Night Out is an annual community-building event that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live, work, and play. Join us for free food, games, and music, meet police officers & first responders, and learn valuable crime prevention tips & demos! Save the date: Wednesday, October 1, 2025, from 5-7 pm, location TBD.
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over (with National Night Out)
Impairment Goggles are an internationally popular hands-on prevention tool used to educate people of all ages about the consequences of alcohol misuse and abuse. The goggles use a special lens technology that allows the wearer to experience a realistic simulation of impairment. Participants experience how alcohol impairs a person’s balance, vision, reaction time, and judgment. Simple activities with the goggles, such as walking a line “heel-to-toe”, standing on one leg, reaching out to grab a set of car keys, or tossing a ball, become effective teaching moments as the participant experiences how susceptible they are to potentially dangerous consequences.
Participants perform simple sobriety tests without the goggles to establish a sober baseline. The exercise is then repeated while wearing the goggles. Participants typically struggle to maintain their balance, equilibrium, reaction time, and targeting and will exhibit behaviors similar to an individual under the influence of alcohol. Participants gain an understanding of the impact of alcohol on their ability to function. The experience can be used to support lessons about impaired driving, high-risk or binge drinking, underage drinking, or any initiative dealing with the misuse and abuse of alcohol.
Holiday Meal Giveaway (November and/or December)
We are proud to help with meal giveaways facilitated by the Northern Community Food Security Team, which includes a representative from Rolesville Parks & Recreation. To get details on scheduled food security events, visit
Shop With A Cop (December)
The Shop with a Cop program is designed to help foster positive interactions between students and law enforcement while spreading cheer to those that might not have a happy holiday season otherwise. Individual officers are partnered with students (K-8th grade) as their "shopping buddies" for the day; each pair is given an allotment to shop at Walmart to choose clothing, toys, books, and more for the child. Financial donations are accepted year-round for this program at Town Hall. We'd like to thank Shop With A Cop sponsors and donors for their generous contributions and continued support. If your child (or a child you know) may be eligible for this program, please fill out our application before November 24th, 2024. The shopping trip will be on Saturday, December 7, 2024.