Among the fastest growing counties in North Carolina, Rolesville has experienced substantial growth. Beginning in 2010 members of the Rolesville Town Board recognized the need for town operated facilities to accommodate the community and Town staff. The original needs included the Police Station, Town Hall, and Community Center.
In fact, Wake County is now ready to support the request of a Town Library. Moreover, as Rolesville continues to transform from a small rural community to a developed suburb the 65-year-old Fire Station is ready for a new building.
In early 2021, The Town purchased a 17-acre site (see map below) located at, 406 and 408 E. Young Street . The purpose of the site will be to accommodate a future Town Hall, Town Police Department, Community Center, Wake County Library and Rolesville Rural Fire District Fire Station (RRFD)
JUNE 2023
After 6 months of site planning, the Town provided an opportunity for Rolesville residents to receive insight and have questions answered at a Town Campus Open House at the C. Frank Eagles Board Room in June 2023. This was an official introduction of The Town Campus to the public. Staff from Town Hall and ADW ARCHITECTS who have been working on the site plan was in attendance to better educate the community about the process.
With over 15 site design options studied, 4 designs were chosen to present to the Town Board, staff and share with the public. A few of the driving factors were, existing wetlands, NCDOT driveway locations, road locations, considering existing conditions, green spaces, and parking.
The Town Campus final site plan and design were approved Tuesday, August 1, 2023, during the Board of Commissioner's meeting. The building placement & entry will be off E. Young St/Wetland Park. Residents will be able to easily access parking for all buildings and the existing wetland will be used to create a park-like amenity on campus.
Please take a look at the design animation concept below:
Rolesville Concept 3_08132023 from ADW Architects on Vimeo.
The Town Board adopted the resolution and concept plan for the Town Campus on October 3, 2023. At the August 15th work session, the Town Board concluded the Town Campus Concept Plan effort by identifying “Concept 3” as the preferred concept. To document a direction for future planning purposes, it is appropriate for the Town Board to adopt a Resolution that acknowledges the planning effort and the preferred choice. This documentation will serve as the primary guide unless future site plans are modified and adopted.