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Town Pollinator Gardens


The Town of Rolesville is committed to enhancing, preserving, and creating supportive environments for native pollinators throughout the town. To make this happen, the Town started the Naturally Rolesville initiative. As part of this commitment, two pollinator gardens have been planted. 

A pollinator garden is a garden planted with the purpose of growing nectar and pollen-producing plants that attract pollinating animals (mainly insects) known as pollinators. Pollinator gardens are important to our local environment because they supply food in the form of pollen and nectar and ensure that these important animals stay in the area to keep pollinating our crops for continued fruit and vegetable production.

The Town intends to install more pollinator gardens in our parks over the coming years. Please check the Naturally Rolesville page and our social media for more information about these gardens and other volunteer opportunities. 

Any questions about Naturally Rolesville and the pollinator gardens within the Town can be directed to Eddie Henderson.

Rolesville Town Hall Pollinator Garden

On Earth Day 2023 (April 22, 2023), the Town of Rolesville planted its first pollinator garden at Town Hall. With the help of volunteers from the horticulture class of Rolesville High School, Pam Eagles from the Rolesville Garden Club, Mary Ka Powers from the Rolesville Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, town staff, and Mayor Pro Tem at the time, Paul Vilga & his wife Danielle, the event was a great success! It began to rain almost immediately after the planting was completed, watering the plants and providing a perfect ending to the event.

This planting was designed by Karen Rindge and Carla Helms with Rooted in Nature Designs, who not only helped with the planting but also gave a quick introductory lesson about the importance of pollinators and pollinator gardens and answered any questions that volunteers had. See the table below for a list of what's planted in the Town Hall Garden.

Plant Common NamePlant Scientific NamePicture
Asters or "Woods Purple"Asters "Woods Purple"Aster Woods Purple - 1 Gallon Pot / Single
Anise HyssopAgastache "Blue Fortune"Agastache 'Blue Fortune' (Giant Hyssop)
Black Eyed SusanRudbeckia "Goldsturm"Black-Eyed Susan
Butterfly MilkweedAsclepias TuberosaButterfly Milkweed - Roundstone Native Seed Company
Coneflower "Pow Wow" WhiteEchinacea "Pow Wow"Echinacea 'PowWow® White' - Coneflower (4" Pot) | Little Prince To Go
CoreopsisCoreopsis "Zagreb"Zagreb Coreopsis Plants for Sale Online | Growing Wild Nursery
CatmintNepeta "Walker's Low"Nepeta 'Walker's Low' - Devil Mountain Wholesale Nursery
Goldenrod "Fireworks"Solildago "Fireworks"Solidago Fireworks
Phlox - TallPhlox Paniculata (Purple/pink)Phlox 'Common Purple'
Prairie Little BluestemSchizachyrium ScopariumLittle Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) Six-pack
Salvia "Hot Lips"Salvia Microphylla "Hot Lips"Salvia 'Hot Lips' (Sage)
Switchgrass "Northwind or Shenandoah"Panicum VirginicumDig deeper into Switchgrass, the genus Panicum.
ViburnumViburnum "Raulston Hardy"Viburnum obovatum 'Raulston Hardy' | Kiefer Nursery: Trees, Shrubs,  Perennials

Redford Place Park Pollinator Garden

The Town's second Pollinator Garden was planted by the concession stand at Redford Place Park. It contains many of the same plants as Town Hall's garden; however, a few different plants were added to make the garden stand out. 

Plant Common NamePlant Scientific NamePicture
Phlox SnowflakePhlox SubulataPhlox subulata 'Snowflake' (Moss Phlox) - Cavano's Perennials
Black Eyed SusanRudbeckia "Goldsturm"Black-Eyed Susan
Butterfly MilkweedAsclepias TuberosaButterfly Milkweed - Roundstone Native Seed Company
October SkiesSymphyotrichum OblongifoliumBuy Aster 'October Skies' | Unrivaled Perennials – Black Sheep Perennials
Muhly GrassMuhlenbergia Capillarismuhlenbergia capillaris 'pink' PINK MUHLY GRASS
CatmintNepeta "Walker's Low"Nepeta 'Walker's Low' - Devil Mountain Wholesale Nursery
Ornamental OnionAllium MilleniumAllium Millenium (Ornamental Onion)
Prairie Little BluestemSchizachyrium ScopariumLittle Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) Six-pack
Salvia "Hot Lips"Salvia Microphylla "Hot Lips"Salvia 'Hot Lips' (Sage)
Switchgrass "Shenandoah"Panicum VirginicumDig deeper into Switchgrass, the genus Panicum.