FAQs are currently under construction. Thank you for your patience. Please share your frequently asked questions with michael.elabarger@rolesville.nc.gov.
For a Rezoning application, how does the scheduling work between the Planning Board and Town Board of Commissioners?
Are Preliminary Subdivision Plat (PSP) and Construction Infrastructure Drawings (CID) permitted to be submitted concurrently?
Generally, the answer is no, but Staff will consider this on a case-by-case basis. Consider if a PSP has completed either the V1 or the V2 (more likely the latter) review, and there are only generally minor/small items to revise/correct, the Town may agree to accept the initial submittal of CID plans for the next available monthly cycle. Staff would encourage a developer to budget 2 monthly review cycles – each cycle amounts to 2 months - for PSP review before planning to submit the CID plans. Any additional time on the part of the developer to make revisions and resubmit by the next deadline would be the cause of the developer.
How can I get my Final Plat signed by the Town?
The Town Planning Director is the primary signature authority for recordation plats and can sign either digital/electronic submittals (i.e. Docusign) or hard copy versions (plastic mylar or paper). The Town does not retain a physical copy of signed Final Plats either pre- or post-recording. Same-day hard copy signatures should not be assumed; make an appointment with the Planning Director to seek that. Contact the Wake County Register of Deeds for all questions regarding the recordation of Final Plats. Always inform the Planning staff of the recordation information after a plat is recorded.
Are there Town regulations regarding renting my home as a "short-term rental" (ie VRBO, etc.)? |
All ABC permits are issued by the ABC Commission in accordance with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Laws and Rules of North Carolina, Chapter 18B. The ABC Commission reviews and issues one-time permits for limited special occasions and special events, as well as permits for retail and commercial activity.
Inspection Zoning Compliance Form
ABC permits also require a Wake County Permit (nonbuilding permit)
Per NC General Statute § 160D-907
A Family care home is allowed in all zoning districts and is classified as a home with support and supervisory personnel that provides room and board, personal care, and habilitation services in a family environment for not more than six resident persons with disabilities.
The Town of Rolesville LDO Section 5.1.2.H. Characterizes a Family Care Facility as:
A care home having two (2) to six (6) residents. The structure of
a family care home may be no more than two (2) stories high, and none of the
aged or persons with disability being served there may be housed in the upper
story without provision for two (2) direct exterior ground-level accesses to the
upper story. Per G.S. 131D, family care homes are facilities that provide health,
counseling, or related services for persons with a disability in a family type of environment. Disable persons include those with a temporary or permanent physical, emotional, or mental disability, but not including persons who are dangerous to others as defined in G.S. 122C-3(11)b.
5. Use Standard
Family care homes shall be prohibited from being located within a one-half-mile radius of an existing family care home.
Please contact staff for more information.
The Town of Rolesville does not issue a building permit for a fence however, we do have several guidelines in our Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Section 6.5 that need to be followed such as:
6.5.C. Exemptions
6.5.E.1 Materials Maintenance
6.5.E.4.b. Height
The maximum height of a fence or wall within required rear and side setbacks shall be six (6) feet in residential zoning districts. Fences and berms are not permitted in front setbacks unless a subdivision fence or wall is permitted in a site plan for a subdivision.
No easement may be built in per Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Section 5.2.A.3. Accessory Uses
3. Accessory buildings or structures may be erected three (3) feet from the property line but may not be permitted in any recorded easement
Food Trucks are regulated by Wake County Health & Services and require both a Wake County Vending Food Permit and a Town of Rolesville Food Truck Permit to operate in the Town of Rolesville under LDO Section 5.2.C. Food Trucks.
Please contact Tanner Hayslette, Planner I with any questions.
Thank you for your interest in starting a business in Rolesville. Please review the Town of Rolesville Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Section 5.2.B.
If your Home Business meets the requirements in the application, please proceed with the steps to get started.
- Contact the State of NC Business Licensing Agency
- Complete a Home Occupation Permit Application.
Please contact Tanner Hayslette, Planner I with any questions.
The Impervious Coverage limit for each property is controlled and maintained by the Wake County Watershed Management Department. Please contact a staff member via the link above with inquiries.
An irrigation system requires a Plumbing Trade Permit and a Stub & Meter Permit from the City of Raleigh.
Please visit the Permit page for more information.
The Town of Rolesville contracts with the Wake County Inspections Office to perform our building inspections under the 2018 Building Code.
Please visit the Wake County Permit Portal and the Town of Rolesville Permit page for more information.
The Town of Rolesville retains permitting records for six years from the date of permit issuance per the NC General Records Retention Schedule.
Records older than six years may possibly be found by contacting the Wake County Register of Deeds to request a copy of a real estate document.
Right-of-way encroachment Agreements are reviewed by the Town Manager. Please contact the Town Clerk for an application or to request additional information.
A sign such as a yard sale, car wash or for sale sign does not require a permit, however, many other signs such as banners, temporary (90 days) and permanent signs do require a permit.
For more information, please visit the Permit page.
Wake County has authority over Watershed Management of Rolesville.
For information on how to inquire about
*Drainage from adjoining properties
*Impervious surface
*Report mud from construction sites
*Report a concern
Please visit the Wake County Watershed Management: Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Floodplain & Stormwater Management website.
To report a Street Light outage, please use either of the links below for the two power providers that serve the Rolesville area; locate the outage on a map and request service. The Town pays for the electricity to operate street lights located within public streets that are within Town Limits. There are many areas near and adjacent Town limits that are not in Town Limits, and are thus Wake County.
To find the Zoning Jurisdiction for your property we utilize a website maintained by the City of Raleigh called iMAPS.
On iMAPS you can find such information as
*Zoning (In-Town vs. ETJ)
*and much more