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Yard Waste

Yard waste is collected every other Monday & Tuesday town-wide. Waste must be curbside by 7:00am on the scheduled collection day.  If your yard waste has not been collected by Wednesday of the pickup week, please call 919-556-6490 to report the missed pickup.

All yard waste per household can not exceed 4 cubic yards per pickup, that includes cans and brush together.

Measurements of 4 cubic yards= 12ft long/3ft wide/3ft high

All loose yard debris MUST be placed in a container or brown biodegradable paper bag, no more than 5 cans or 10 brown paper bags, no black or clear plastic bags will be accepted. Must no weigh over 50 pounds and brush piles must be cut up 4ft long and stacked neatly. 

Accepted items:
  • Wood mulch and nuggets
  • Leaves
  • Grass and straw
  • Limbs, twigs, branches, and logs (see specifics below)
  • Hedge clippings
  • Pinecones

Small debris must be placed in 35-gallon barrels (not provided by the Town, but available at most hardware stores) and have a total weight of less than fifty (50) pounds per barrel.  Up to five (5) barrels may be placed curbside per address each service day.

Guidelines for brush (branch/limb/log) piles:
  • Brush piles must be placed curbside, within reach of the grapple truck
  • Residents are allowed one brush pile per scheduled pickup date, not exceeding six (6) feet in height, six (6) feet in depth, and ten (10) feet in length
  • Limbs must be facing the same direction
  • Limbs six (6) inches or less in diameter may be up to six (6) feet in length
  • Limbs larger than six (6) inches in diameter must be two (2) feet in length or less
  • Logs must be cut into one (1) foot sections or smaller
These items are NOT accepted:
  • Bricks, rocks, or concrete
  • Trash (including construction waste)
  • Stumps or root balls
  • Dirt, clay, or topsoil
  • Landscape timbers or edging
  • Animal waste

The Town contracts with Allen's Tree Service to provide bi-weekly curbside yard waste collection. If you have an issue with your service, call Town Hall at 919-556-6490. This information is also included in our waste collection flyer, that can be printed out for your convenient reference at home.