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Legislative Hearings

(This page is under construction by Planning Department staff - please check back soon for changes and revisions. We'd love to hear your questions and suggestions, please email them to . Thank you!)


Have you seen one of these signs around Rolesville? Each of these signs provides notice that a public hearing is forthcoming on/for the property the sign is located on or adjacent to.

Below are descriptions of what each sign may mean.


Why are these signs here in the first place?State Law (General Statute 160D) requires these notification signs be placed on/adjacent properties for which a public hearing for some type of land use / development project is being proposed. It is part of the public notification process.

MA 22-01 - MA stands for Map Amendment, another term for "Rezoning" or the request to change the Zoning District of a property.

ANX 22-1 - ANX stands for Annexation, which means a property owner has submitted a petition (request) to Voluntarily ask that their property become part of the Corporate Limits of the Town of Rolesville.

SUP 22-01 - SUP stands for Special Use Permit.