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Parks & Recreation Advisory Board


The mission of the Rolesville Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is to enhance the quality of life in the community by providing the best possible recommendations concerning recreational policies, facilities, finances, programs for its citizens, long-range plans, and the acquisition and disposition of land. The Advisory Board’s vision for Rolesville encompasses a well-maintained community, which is a visually appealing community that sets a standard for effective management of natural, human, and financial resources.

The board meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Rolesville Town Hall at 6:00 pm. These meetings are open to the public. Advisory Board agendas are available in the Agendas & Minutes section of this website.

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board has seven members appointed by the Town Board of Commissioners. Board members are residents of the Town or extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), as well as one student member. Please fill out the Advisory Board Application if you are interested in serving on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board or one of the various sub-committees.

The Advisory Board has several sub-committees that report to and give professional opinions on various matters. Some of these boards are:

  • Open Space and Greenways Committee
  • Senior Citizens Activities Committee
  • Park Appearance Committee
  • Tree Board (sub-committee of Park Appearance Committee)


Parks and Recreation Advisory Board

Current Term End
Mothanna Al-HooryMemberCorporate Limits12/31/2024
Kevin MazurMemberCorporate Limits12/31/2024
Richard ArmantMemberCorporate Limits12/31/2025
Clay CampbellMemberCorporate Limits12/31/2026
Judith SiwyMemberCorporate Limits12/31/2025
Aaron GaugerMemberCorporate Limits12/31/2026
Lukas MarquardtHigh School MemberCorporate Limits12/31/2027