The Town provides residential curbside solid waste collection to most residential units in the Town limits. Basic service includes one garbage cart (black or grey cart body) and one recycling cart (blue or green cart body).
Garbage and recycling waste are collected every Tuesday town-wide, except for certain holidays (see calendar) or unexpected disruption of service due to inclement weather.
Bag your garbage to prevent flyaway litter as the cart is emptied. Recyclables, however, should NOT be bagged but placed loosely in your recycling cart.
Residents must place their carts at the curb no later than 7am on pickup day and no earlier than dusk the day prior to collection. After the carts have been emptied, they should be returned to the back yard or side yard no later than the end of the collection day.
For more information on what you can recycle, this Wake County website provides further detail in the “acceptable items” section.
Additional rollout carts may be requested. One additional cart is $33.00 per quarter, and two additional carts are $66.00 per quarter.
Commercial businesses in Town may contract with any commercial service provider. Rollout carts provided by the Town are intended for residential households only.
Guidelines for Trash & Recycling Pick-Up