The Town Board of Commissioners adopted the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) on June 1, 2021, replacing the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The LDO contains land use, development, and zoning regulations and was last amended on April 4, 2023.
- Full Document
- Section 1 - Introduction
- Section 2 - Review Bodies
- Section 3 - Zoning
- Section 4 - Overlays
- Section 5 - Uses
- Section 6 - Development Standards
- Section 6.1 - Signs
- Section 6.2 - Open Space, Buffering, Compatibility, Landscaping, and Trees
- Section 6.3 - Conservation Subdivision
- Section 6.4 - Parking
- Section 6.5 - Fences, Walls, and Berms
- Section 6.6 - Lighting
- Section 6.7 - Complete Streets
- Section 6.8 - Design Standards
- Section 6.9 - Administrative Minor Modifications
- Section 7 - Telecommunication
- Section 8 - Traffic Impact
- Section 9 - Subdivision Regulations
- Section 10 - Nonconformities
- Section 11 - Administration and Definitions
- Appendix A - LDO Handbook: A useful guide for developers on Rolesville's development review and approval processes
- Appendix B - Flood and Stormwater
This Zoning Map was adopted along with the LDO in June 2021. It reflects the Zoning District terminology contained in the LDO. * The UDO's R&PUD District was retired with the adoption of the LDO, and thus is still represented on the Zoning Map as it still governs the development of those properties.
LDO Text Amendments - below are Adopted revisions made to the LDO since its initial adoption:
- TA-23-05 - Land Development Ordinance (LDO) - Applicant-Initiated - Private Access Easements/Townhome Lot Frontage
- TA-22-01 - Land Development Ordinance (LDO) - Applicant-Initiated - Residential Care Use/Definitions.
- TA-23-04 - Land Development Ordinance (LDO) - Applicant-Initiated - Main Street Corridor Definition.
- TA 23-03 - Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Round 4 - #3 - Vape and Tobacco Store Zoning Principal Use. On 04/04/2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted 4-0 (1 absent) on a motion to Approve.
- TA 23-02 - Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Round 4 - #2 - Cluster Development. On 04/04/2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted 4-0 (1 absent) on a motion to Approve.
- TA 23-01 - Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Round 4 - #1 - Notification Requirements and Withdrawals. On 04/04/2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted 4-0 (1 absent) on a motion to Approve.
- TA 22-02 - Applicant Initiated Text Amendment to LDO Sections 5.1.6.D.5.b. and 5.1.6.I.4. regarding the 'Industrial, Light' and 'Warehousing' principal use descriptions. On 04/04/2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted 3-1 (1 absent) on a motion to Approve.
- TA 22-01 - Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Round 3 Amendments
- TA 21-02 - Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Round 2 Amendment
- TA 21-01 - Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Round 1 Amendments
Prior to the adoption of the LDO, the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) regulated zoning and land development since its adoption on October 4, 2004 (and subsequent revisions).
UDO Text Amendments - below are Adopted revisions made to the UDO:
- TA 20-04 - UDO Article 2: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION; Mixed-Use District Town Center
- TA 20-01 - UDO R3 Zoning District Section 5.1, Section 5.2, Section 6.5
- TA 19-08 - UDO Article 3: Development Review and Approval Procedures and UDO Article 7: Overlay District Standards (2/4/2020)
- TA 19-07 - UDO Article 10: Parking and Loading Requirements (11/4/2019)
- TA 19-06 - UDO Article 6: Supplementary District Standards (10/1/2019)
- TA 19-03 - UDO Article 11: Sign Standards (8/6/2019)
- TA 19-01 - UDO Article 9: Additional Development Standards (5/7/2019)
- TA 18-04 - CO and CH zoning districts - Adding Townhouses and Multi-family Dwellings as a Special Use (2/5/2019)
Town Code - The Town Code is managed by the Town Clerk and enforced by the Town of Rolesville Police Department.
- Town Code Section 132 - Noise (5/7/2024)
- Town Code Section 1. Title III - Administration - Advisory Board Term Limits (6/7/2022)
- Town Code Section I, Article V - Public Works, Chapter 52 - Reimbursement Agreements
- TA 19-05 - Town Code Section 130.4: Unnecessary Noise (6/4/2019)
- TA 19-04 - Town Code Chapter 93: Health and Sanitation; Nuisances (6/4/2019)
- TA 19-03 - Town Code Title VII: Traffic Code Parking Regulations Section 71.13(b)
- TA18-05 - Town Code Section 50.09: Garbage and Refuse; Placement of Containers/Civil Penalty (4/16/2018)