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General Statute 160D-402 enables municipalities to create, adopt, and require fees to administer land development regulations.

Where are the Fees found?

Development Application fees are captured in the Town’s yearly budget – please find it here on this page, click the ‘Approved budget’ link to the right of FY2024 in the Table:  Jump to page 91/99 in the Schedule of Fees under the header of "Development Services."

What comprises a Review fee?

Base Fee - Every application type has a base fee; Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plats include a $/lot add-on in addition to the base fee.  The Technical Review Committee (TRC) includes contracted services for Town Engineering (Bolton & Menk) and Town Planning/Zoning (WithersRavenel) reviews. If these entities perform work on (review) an application, Applicants will be presented monthly itemized bills from one/both related to that time spent. Generally, both will review most Rezoning (Zoning Map Amendment) applications, and all Preliminary Subdivision Plats, Construction Infrastructure Drawings, Minor and Major Final Subdivision Plats, and Site Development Plan applications.

Resubmittal Fee - A Resubmittal fee (1/2 the original base Submittal fee) will be assessed/Invoiced on subsequent submittals of every application. 

Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) - these studies are paid 100% by the Applicant via pass-through invoicing from the Town to the on-call traffic consultant chosen.

When are payments expected to be made?

Applicants will always be Invoiced first, then they make payment. There is no 'pre-pay' or payments at the point of submittal at this time.

Upon submittal of an application (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.), Staff performs a “Completeness check”, and if deemed complete and acceptable, an INVOICE is then generated and sent to the designated Contact to trigger payment. 

Applications can begin their review cycles before the actual receipt of payment.

How are payments made?

Payment is via cash or checks at Town Hall during open hours (generally 8 AM-Noon, 2 PM - 5 PM), or via check mailed to Town Hall in care of the Planning Department.  Please include a copy of the Invoice when making a payment. 

There are no means of electronic, credit card payment at this time and there is no option to establish an ‘escrow’ or debit account.   

 NEW DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FEES - With the adoption of the FY 2024/2025 Annual Budget by the Town Board of Commissioners on June 4, 2024, the Schedule of Fees was approved which included several changes to Fees under Development Services.  Please refer to the Adopted Budget found on the Finance Department's webpage. Briefly, those changes are:

Application TypeFY 23/24FY 24/25
Sketch Plan Meeting$120$150
Voluntary Annexation$200$350
Rezoning Map Amendment  
 - Conditional Zoning District$800$1,000
 - Mixed Use Zoning District$1,000$1,200
Preliminary Subdivision Plat$300$500
 - Plus Per lot or dwelling unit$8$10
Construction Infrastructure Drawing$400$500
Site Development Plan$400$700
Final Subdivision Plat (Minor), per Unit$8$10
Final Subdivision Plat (Major)$195$250
Final Subdivision Plat  
 - Recombination$50$150
 - Boundary Survey$50$150
 - Right-of-way Dedication$50$150
 - Easement Dedication$50$150