The Planning Department advises citizens, staff, and elected officials on policies for land use, housing, transportation, zoning, and growth management. The department manages and administers the provisions in the Land Development Ordinance through the review of land development (entitlement) applications and various types of Permits. The Town's land use and development vision and long-range goals are captured in the Comprehensive Plan, which is used as the basis for all future policy decisions regarding land use and growth. Upon and as directed by the Board of Commissioners, the department also conducts long-range studies, performs and reports on research, and generally provides information sharing.
Rolesville’s jurisdiction includes the Town’s corporate limits and parts of unincorporated Wake County referred to as Rolesville’s Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). The Town has adopted Annexation Agreements with the Town of Wake Forest and the City of Raleigh for the lands in between them to the west/northwest and south/southwest respectively. Find out if your property is in Rolesville’s Town Limits or ETJ by viewing the zoning map.
Community participation is essential to the planning process. Your input and ideas have merit and value, and the Town staff welcomes your insight and feedback - please submit your thoughts to .
The Planning Department consists of and completes four main work programs:
Comprehensive Planning
The Town of Rolesville needs your help updating its Comprehensive Land Use Plan. We are asking for the public's input to do so. Click HERE to take the quick, 5-minute survey. This is the administration of the 2017 Comprehensive Plan which includes various forms of long-range planning, such as reviewing Voluntary Annexation petitions, Rezoning Map Amendments, and to some degree Amendments to the Land Development Ordinance. Also critical is participation in regional and multi-municipal efforts such as the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and various aspects of Wake County and City of Raleigh Utility endeavors.
Current Planning
This is the management and review of Land Development Applications also known as land entitlements. These include policy considerations for annexation petitions and Rezoning requests, as well as construction-oriented plans set for preliminary and final subdivisions, construction infrastructure drawings, and site Development Plans.
This is the Administrative management, review, and issuance of various types of Permits and Certificates of Occupancy. The Town partners with Wake County Inspections & Permits Department and utilizes its 'Permit Portal' as the vehicle for permit processing.
Zoning Enforcement
This is first the education about, and as needed the enforcement of, the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) on private property. Examples are fence location/height/materials; signage; or construction activity without required permits. Note that subjects relating to the Town Code of Ordinances (not including the LDO), such as property maintenance (i.e. high weeds & grass), activities occurring in a public right-of-way, or reported violations of the Noise Ordinance, are enforced by other Town staff, principally Town Administration or the Town Police Department.