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Wallbrook - Approvals

This webpage contains the final Approval documents and records for the Wallbrook mixed use shopping center project. 

SUP 20-02 - APPROVED 03/02/2021  - Special Use Permit (SUP) application for 57.37 acres +/- on PIN's 1758568976 and 1758458905, for a Mixed use Development including Townhomes in a CO-SUD zoning district. This application was approved under the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).  On 03/02/2021, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial public hearing, and Approved Agenda Item C.1. The ORDER document for the Approved SUP is Recorded as Bk018451_Pg00470, see uploaded file. 

ANX 21-06 - APPROVED 02-01-2022  - Voluntary Annexation of 64.04 acres being PIN's 1758-58-2090, 1758-48-9229, 1758-46-7822, 1758-56-8976. This application was approved under the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).  The Town Board unanimously approved the Petition on 02-01-2022.   This is recorded with Wake County Registry as Book __________ / Pages _____________

MA 21-09 - APPROVED 02/01/2022 - Map Amendment (Rezoning) application for 3 tracts totaling 19.493 acres, from RL (Residential Low) & GI-CZ (General Industrial-Conditional Zoning) to GC-CZ (General Commercial Conditional Zoning).  This application was submitted/reviewed/Approved under the Land Development Ordinance (LDO).  Planning Board recommended Approval on 01/24/2022.  The Town Board of Commissioners unanimously Approved the application on 02/01/2022.  

PR 21-04 - APPROVED 06/07/2022 - Preliminary Subdivision Plat to subdivide 57.35 acres zoned GC-CZ into 8 lots (Lots 1,2,3,4,5,7, & 8 for future non-residential development, Lot #6 for Townhomes being processed under Application SP 21-02).  This application was submitted/reviewed/Approved under the Land Development Ordinance (LDO).  On June 7, 2022, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial public hearing and unanimously (5-0) Approved the application (Item C.7 on Agenda).  The Approval ORDER document was approved by the Town Board as Consent Agenda Item C.8 on 6/7/2022 and was Recorded on __tbd__ as Bk__tbd___ / Pg___tbd___

SP 21-02 - APPROVED 06/07/2022 - Site Plan for 140 townhomes in Lot # 6 per PR 21-04. This application was submitted/reviewed/Approved under the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).  On June 7, 2022, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial public hearing and unanimously (5-0) Approved the application (Item C.8 on Agenda).  The Approval ORDER document was approved by the Town Board as Consent Agenda Item C.8 on 06/07/2022 and was Recorded on __tbd__ as Bk__tbd___ / Pg___tbd___. 

SP 22-03 - APPROVED 08/02/2022 - Site Plan for Lot 1 from PR 21-04, to construct Buildings 1,2,3,4 including PUBLIX.  This application was submitted/reviewed/Approved under the Land Development Ordinance (LDO).  On August 2, 2022, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial public hearing and unanimously (5-0) Approved the application (Item C.3 on Agenda).  The Approval ORDER document was approved by the Town Board as Consent Agenda Item B.3 on 08/02/2023 and was Recorded on __date__ as Bk__tbd___ / Pg___tbd___.  The Final Plan set is signed dated 12-02-2022 by the Planning Director.

CD 22-02 - APPROVED 09/02/2022 - Construction Drawings for mass grading & sewer line realignmentThis application was submitted/reviewed/Approved under the Land Development Ordinance (LDO). Application was fully Approved by Planning Director signature dated September 2, 2022.

CD 22-04 - APPROVED 06/16/2023 - Construction Drawings for Townhome development in Lot 6 of Approved PR 21-04 and pursuant to Approved SP 21-02 which proposed 140 Townhome lots.  This application is submitted and being reviewed under the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).  Related to this are Wake County permits (SEC-084327-2022/SWF-084502-2022).  The Final Plan Set was signed by Town of Rolesville and Wake County Environmental on 06-15-2023, and City of Raleigh Utilities on 06-16-2023.

SP 22-09APPROVED 06/27/2023 - Site Plan for Amenity Center within Townhome development of Lot 6.

ANX-23-03 APPROVED 08/01/2023 - Voluntary Annexation Petition for PIN 1758467822, a 7.08 acre tract addressed as 0 S. Main Street.  Petition slated to be presented to the Town Board of Commissioners on July 6, 2023 for the Call for Sufficiency and Call for a Public Hearing; Public Hearing conducted on August 1, 2023;  Town Board of Commissioners unanimously (5-0) Approved ORDINANCE 2023-O-05 to annex this property. 

PR 21-04 REVISION - APPROVED 08/11/2023 - Revision to previously approved Preliminary Subdivision Plat PR 21-04, to creates several new lot lines, increases the number of lots from 8 (Plus the Paris and MBW Tracts referred to as A, B, and C) to 15 (now inclusive of Paris and MBW tracts as numbered lots).  Original lots 2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8 remain unchanged; Original Lot 1 is now split into 1A, 1B, and 1C; Lots 2 and 3 are modified in relation to each other and Lot 1; Lot A (Paris Tract) is now Lots 9, 10, 11 and future right-of-way for the extension of Virginia Water Drive from S. Main Street to its terminus at Lot 10; Lots B and C (MBW Tract) is now 12 and 13.  Four (4) submittal reviewed between December 2022 and August 2023.  This application was submitted/reviewed/Approved under the Land Development Ordinance (LDO).   Final approval stamp by Town Planning Director dated 08/11/2023. 

FSP-23-09 - RECORDED 09/12/2023 as BM2023/Pg1600-1602 - Final Subdivision Plat pursuant to REVISED PR 21-04, recording the following: Tracts A and B, Lot 5, Lot 6, Lot 7, Lot 8; per REVISED PR 21-04, Tract A is planned Lots 3 and 4; Tract B is the planned lots 1A, 1B, 1C, 2, and right-of-way for Virginia Water Drive; Lot 5 is the planned Lot 5 minus the right-of-way for future Wallbrook Drive; Lots 6, 7, and 8 are the entirety of how they were planned in REVISED PR 21-04. 

FSP-23-10 - RECORDED 09/12/2023 as BM2023/Pg1604 -  Final Subdivision Plat recording Tract A and Tract B out of the planned Lots 9, 10, and 11 per REVISED PR 21-04.

 CD 22-06 - APPROVED 11/29/2023 - Construction Drawings for Off-site sewer line improvements located along/near Virginia Water Drive near the boundary of the Carlton Pointe and Villages of Rolesville subdivisions, and within PIN 1758651927 open space lot. Four (4) submittals reviewed betweeen October 2022 and April 2023; Signature approval in Fall 2023.  This application is submitted and being reviewed under the Land Development Ordinance (LDO)




LAPP Project U-6241 - 100% Plans - 316 Sheets

CD 22-02 - Mass Grading & Sewer Line Realignment - APPROVED Administratively 09/02/2022

SP 22-09 - Townhome Amenity Center - APPROVED

CD 22-04 - Townhome Construction Drawings - APPROVED 08-18-2023

FSP-23-09 - Wallbrook Intermediate - RECORDED

FSP-23-10 - Wallbrook Paris Tract Intermediate - RECORDED

REVISION to SDP-23-05/CID-23-01 - Wallbrook Publix/Public Roadways - APPROVED

PR 21-04 REVISION - Preliminary Subdivision - Approved 08/11/2023