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MA 09-02 - APPROVED (2009-09-08) - Shearon Byrun Williams Property

Circa 2008 and 2009, an earlier iteration of the Point project was proposed and reviewed by the Town.

On August 3, 2009, the Town Board conducted an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial hearing on MA 09-02, a request to rezone 339 acres from R-1 to R-PUD and develop 650 single family detached dwelling units and 250 single family townhome units, 10.82 acres of retail/office space, 81 acres of open space (30 acres usable), greenway/bike trails, and required infrastructure. At this meeting, the Board voted unanimously to Approve the rezoning portion, and to table the Special Use Permit (which included the PUD Master Plan and Conditions of Approval) to the September 8, 2009 meeting.

On September 8, 2009, The Town Board continued the Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial hearing, and discussed changes to the proposed Conditions of approval. The Board then unanimously approved the Special Use Permit, with a change to Condition #11. 

The ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board on __date tbd__ as Consent Agenda Item __tbd__, and this document was recorded on __date tbd__ as BK ___xxx__/PG__xxx__. 

SUP - 2008 or 2009 ?


SUP 18-09 - APPROVED (2019-08-20) - Special Use Permit  

A Special Use Permit request to adopt a new PUD master plan for residential, open space, and commercial uses for 316.38 acres on both the 'South' and 'North' side of (US 401 Bypass).  Current zoning is the Residential and Planned Unit Development [R&PUD] zoning district under the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).  Approval occurred August 20, 2019, after continuance from August 6, 2019.  On __date tbd__, an ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board as Consent Agenda Item __tbd__, and this document was recorded on __date tbd__ as BK _xxx_/PG_xxx_

PR 20-01 - APPROVED (2020-10-06) - The Point SOUTH - Phase 1-10, & 14.   

Preliminary Subdivision Plat for Phases 1-10, 14, proposing 485 single-family detached lots/319 townhome lots on 264.27 acres. On 2020-09-28, the Planning Board  voted unanimously to Recommend Approval with Conditions to the Town Board.  On 2020-10-06, the Town Board of Commissioners  voted unanimously to Approve with Conditions Item C.3.  The ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board on __date tbd__ as Consent Agenda Item __tbd__, and this document was recorded on __date tbd__ as BK ___xxx__/PG__xxx__. 

ANX 20-05 - APPROVED (2021-05-04) - Voluntary Annexation Petition

Annexation of 296.634 acres was Approved by the Town Board of Commissioners on May 4, 2021 via Ordinance 2021-O-04. Recorded on 05/24/2021 - see Recorded Document Bk018516/Pg00816.

SP 20-04 - APPROVED (2022-02-01) - Townhome Site Plan

Site Plan (ie Preliminary Subdivision Plat) for 3 separate areas of Single-Family Attached (Townhomes) within The Point South project, proposing 319 Townhome units. Agenda Item C.5 was approved unanimously by the Town Board on 2022-02-01 with an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial Hearing.  The ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board on __date tbd__ as Consent Agenda Item __tbd__, and this document was recorded on __date tbd__ as BK __xxx__/PG__xxx__. 

CD 20-06 - APPROVED (2022-04-25) - Construction Drawings for Point South, Phases 1, 2, 6, & 9.  

This is referred to as "Package 1", to develop 266 Single-family Detached lots and associated infrastructure. Approved & Signed by City of Raleigh (no date), Wake County (04/22/2022), and Town Planning Director (04/25/2022) - Approved date to be 04/25/2022.  See uploaded fully signed plan set broke into 5 parts.

PR 20-06 - APPROVED (2022-09-06) - Preliminary Subdivision Plat for Point NORTH Phases 11-13

Preliminary Subdivision Plat subdividing 45.39 acres to create 94 SFD residential lots and 3 open space lots. Application was reviewed by the Planning Board on July 25, 2022, and was recommended to conduct a Quasi-judicial hearing before the Town Board.  On September 6, 2022, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted a Quasi-Judicial hearing and voted 3-2 to Approve the application, with conditions that 1.) the Applicant reimburse the Town for installation cost of 2 Stops Signs on Virginia Water Drive at Genovesa Drive, and 2.) Applicant provide $7,500 to Town for pedestrian safety improvements on Genovesa Drive as the Town determines appropriate.  The ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board on _date_  as Consent Agenda Item _TBD__, and this document was recorded on _date_ as BK __xxx__/PG__xxx_.

SP 22-04 - APPROVED (2023-03-17) - Site Plan / Amenity Center 

Residential Amenity Center in the South portion of development, on proposed lot OS-17 (Amenity Area) within Phase 1 from PR 20-01 approved by Town Board on 2020-10-06 is zoned R&PUD under the Unified Development Ordinance, and per Section 6.2.7.(c)(5.) and (6.), a detailed Site Plan is required that is reviewed by the Planning Board and approved by the Town Board within the process of a Quasi-Judicial Evidentiary hearing.   Four submittals were reviewed; Approval/Signature by Town (03/17/2023), Wake County (03/20/2023), and City of Raleigh (04/06/2023). 

CD 20-06 REVISION - APPROVED (2023-03-20) - Construction Drawings for Point South, Phases 1, 2, 6, & 9.  

This is referred to as "Package 1", to develop 266 Single-family Detached lots and associated infrastructure.  This is a revision to the original application, approved on 04/25/2022, to include a new SCM "P" and associated storm drainage and erosion control measures. The area is near the planned Amenity Center (see SP 22-04).  Three (3) Submittals reviewed;  Final Signature approvals provided by Town of Rolesville (03/20/2023), Wake County (03/20/2023), and City of Raleigh (04/05/2023).

CD 20-08 - APPROVED (2023-06-01) - Construction Drawings for Point South, Phases 3,4,5,7, & 10.  

This is referred to as "Package 2", to develop 199.8 acres for 150 Single-family Detached lots, 203 Townhome lots, 13 Open Space lots (OS-8, OS-9, OS-10, OS-11, OS-14, OS-15, OS-16, OS-18 (portion?), OS 20, OS 21, OS-22, OS-29, OS-30), 8,490 linear feet of 50' wide Right-of-ways, and 3,881 linear feet of 60' wide right-of-ways.   Signatures provided by Wake County (05/26/2023 for SEC-049643-2020 and SWF-49645-2020), City of Raleigh Utilities (06-01-2023 for S-3935 and W-3862), and Town of Rolesville Planning Director (06/01/2023).  The approved plan set has a date of May 8, 2023 on Cover Sheet.

CD 22-05 - APPROVED (2023-08-18) - Point North Phases 11, 12, 13

Construction Drawings plans pursuant to PR 20-06 for Phases 11, 12, 13 located on the 'north' side of NC Highway 401 Bypass, west of E. Young Street. Plans for constructing infrastructure improvements on 45.39 acres to create 94 Single-Family Detached residential lots and 3 open space lots and all development of associated public streets, utilities, and stormwater management.   Associated and related Wake County stormwater permits [SEC-092420-2022 and SWF-092425-2022] - as REVISED - Approved.

CID-23-03 APPROVED (2023-09-20) - Genovesa Dr Sidewalk 

Off-Site Improvement to construct public sidewalk within existing Right-of-Way of Genovesa Drive adjacent 521, 517, and 513 Genovesa Drive, and 900 Virginia Water Drive, and install Stop Signs on Virginia Water Drive at intersection with Genovesa Drive.

CD 22-03 - Harris Creek Interceptor Construction Drawings - APPROVED by Town 06-14-2024/County 06-17-2024/City of Raleigh 06-26-2024 -  Off-site sewer improvements  along Harris Creek on multiple properties in Town's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Project is related to The Point project.  Proposes 418 LF of 18" sewer line, 3,469 LF of 24" sewer line, and 13 manholes.  See this City of Raleigh Utility Department webpage about the project.  Between October 2021 and June 2024, 8 versions of Plans created.   SEC-126137-2024 approved 06-10-2024 by Wake County Environmental.


SUP 2008 or 2009

PR 20-01 - Preliminary Subdivision -

ANX-20-05 - Voluntary Annexation

CD 20-06 - APPROVED 2022-04-25 - Construction Drawings

SP 22-04 - APPROVED 2023-03-17 - Amenity Center Site Plan

CD 20-06 REVISION - APPROVED 2023-03-20 - Construction Drawings South Phases 1,2,6,9.

MA 09-02 - Rezoning - APPROVED 2009-09-08