In 2021 and 2022, the property had submitted Rezoning and Voluntary Annexation applications (below) that were ultimately abandoned and replaced in 2023 by those below.
- MA 21-03 - a Map Amendment (Rezoning) application to change zoning from Residential Low (RL) to Town Center (TC), per LDO Section 3.4/3.4.1, for PIN's 1759909525, 1758998909, and 1758998560, being 12.91 acres total, generally addressed as 201 S. Main Street. PIN 1758998560 is currently not within the Town Limits and will require annexation.
- ANX 22-01 - This application is for the Annexation into Town Limits for PIN 1758998560, being 0.62 acres.
REZ-23-05 - A Rezoning Map Amendment application to rezone from the Residential Low (RL) District to the Town Center (TC) as a Conditional Zoning (CZ) District = TC-CZ. Application includes proposed Conditions of Approval and a Concept Plan, with the proposal to construct 240 Multi-family Dwelling Units (Density of 18.2 du/ac) and a certain amount of non-residential square footage.
- 2023-06-01 - 1st Submittal rcvd; on TRC-STAFF review during JUNE 2023; comments published on July 11, 2023.
- 2023-10-02 - 2nd Submittal rcvd; on TRC-STAFF review during OCTOBER 2023; comments published on November 6, 2023.
- 2023-11-29 - Revised Conditions -redline and clean; there is no date.
- 2023-12-06 - Revised Conditions - redline and clean; there is no date. Comments provided.
- 2024-01-02 - 3rd Submittal rcvd; on TRC-STAFF review during JANUARY 2024; comments published on February 5, 2024.
- 2024-02-19 - Applicant held/conducted a Neighborhood meeting from 5 - 6:00 PM at the Rolesville Community Center (514 Southtown Circle, Rolesville NC 27571). See uploaded materials related to the meeting, including minutes/notes.
- 2024-03-01 - 4th Submittal rcvd ; on TRC-STAFF review during MARCH 2024; comments published on April 8, 2024.
- 2024-04-15 - Applicant held/conducted a second Neighborhood meeting from 6 - 7:00 PM at the Rolesville Community Center (514 Southtown Circle, Rolesville NC 27571). See uploaded materials related to the meeting, including minutes/notes.
- 2024-05-01 - 5th Submittal rcvd ; on TRC-STAFF review during MAY 2024; comments published on May 13 2024.
- 2024-05-15 - Status - TIA notice to proceed provided to Town on-call consultant STANTEC to perform TIA - final Report TBD.
- 2024 June - Submittal received - revised Conditions of Approval and Exhibit A-Concept Plan, Exhibit B Use table documents.
- 2024 July - Submittal received - revised Conditions of Approval and Exhibit A-Concept Plan documents.
- 2024-07-22 - The Planning Board considered the Rezoning application and it was recommended for approval to the Town Board of Commissioners with a 4 ayes-1 nay-2 absent vote.
- 2024-08-06 - Submittal received - Metes & Bounds Description and Survey documents.
- 2024-08-14 - Submittal received - Rezoning Legal Description and Plat documents.
- 2024 September - STATUS - TIA revision underway to incorporate
- 2024-09-23 - Submittal received (termed 7th submittal)
- 2024-10-24 - Submittal received (termed 8th submittal) - Revised Conditions, two Exhibit A's, Exhibt B, Exhibit C.
- 2024-10-25 - DRAFT TIA dated 10-25-2024 is received from STANTEC.
- 2024-11-07 - The Town Board of Commissioners conducted a Legislative Hearing and voted unanimously (5-0) on a Motion to Deny.
ANX-23-04 - Voluntary Annexation petition for PIN 1758998560, aka 200 School Street, a 0.5824 acre tract and 0.1542 acres located in the Right-of-Way totaling 0.7366 acres not within the Town Limits.
- 2024-07-09 - The Town Board of Commissioners via Agenda item 6.e. directed the Town Clerk to investigate the Sufficiency of the Voluntary Annexation Petition.
- 2024-09-03 - The Town Board of Commissioners continued the Legislative Hearing to October 8, 2024, at the request of the applicant.
- 2024-10-08 - The Town Board of Commissioners continued the Legislative Hearing to November 7, 2024, at the request of the applicant.
- 2024-11-07 - The Town Board of Commissioners conducted a Legislative Hearing, and took no action on the petition.
REZ-23-05, Scarboro Apartments, Denied by Board of Commissioners
On November 7, 2024, the Board of Commissioners conducted a Legislative hearing for Rezoning application REZ-23-05, and on a Motion to Deny, voted unanimously 5-0. There was no action taken on the associated Voluntary Annexation Petition ANX-23-04.
ANX-23-04/REZ-23-05 - Tentatively Preparing for October 8, 2024 Town Board of Commissioners Meeting
Applicant hosting Neighborhood Meeting 04/15/2024
The applicant representative for Rezoning Map Amendment REZ-23-05, known as 201 S. Main Street/Scarboro Apartments, will be holding a Neighborhood Meeting at 6:00 PM on Monday, April 15, 2024 at the Rolesville Community Center (514 Southtown Circle, Rolesville). The applicant mailed notification letters to adjacent property owners.
Please direct questions or comments to Worth Mills, Longleaf Law Partners, 919-645-4313 or .
REZ-23-05 - V1 submittal
- V1 - Application
- V1 - Property Owner Consent Form
- V1 - Metes & Bounds property description
- V1 - Justification Statement
- V1 - Proposed Conditions of Approval (undated)
- V1 - Proposed Concept Plan dated 05-22-2023
- V1 - Comments - SUMMARY - READ FIRST
- V1 - Comments- PLANNING - Memo dated 7-7-23
- V1 - Comments- PLANNING - Mark-ups
- V1 - Comments- PARKS - markup exhibits
- V1 - Comments - ENGINEERING memo dated 6-23-23