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Broadmoor (fka Woodlief Assemblage)

Broadmoor (formerly Woodlief Assemblage when going through Voluntary Annexation and Rezoning) is a 106.92 acre property located on the east side of Rolesville Road, south of Fowler Road.  

ANX-23-01 - APPROVED 3-1 (1 absent) on 03-05-2024  - Voluntary Annexation Petition to voluntarily annex 106.92 acres comprising six (6) parcels being:  1). PIN 1768511519 26.07 (ac); 2) PIN 1768500618 17.69 (ac); 3) PIN 1768409261; 4) PIN 1767590716 13.85 (ac); 5) PIN 1767590335 18.69 (ac); 6) PIN 1767580938 18.66 (ac) into Town Limits.

REZ-23-02  - APPROVED 3-1 (1 absent) on 03-05-2024 - Rezoning Map Amendment Application to rezone 106.92 acres comprising (PINs 1768511519 (portion), 1768500618, 1768409261 (portion), 1767590716 (portion), 1767590335, and 1767580938) from Wake County's R-30 Zoning District to a combination of these two (2) Town of Rolesville Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Zoning Districts:  Residential Medium (RM) Density to develop a maximum of 157 Single-family Detached lots, and Residential High (RH) Density to develop a maximum of 98 Single-family Attached (Townhome) lots, each as Conditional Zoning (CZ) district, subject to a proposed set of Conditions of Approval and a Concept/Sketch Plan drawing. The specifics and review details on each are noted below; see uploaded documents related to each Submittal/version.  Note: This application was filed on March 2, 2023, prior to the adoption of TA 23-02 LDO Round 4- #2 Cluster Development on April 4, 2023.  

Benchmark dates aside of the Submittals and TRC reviews:

- Applicant conducted an in-person Neighborhood Meeting on JULY 25th, 2023 at 6PM in Rolesville Community Center; see uploaded Packet of materials on that meeting.

- A second Neighborhood Meeting was conducted by the Applicant on NOVEMBER 1, 2023 at 6PM in the Rolesville Community center; see uploaded Packet of materials on that meeting (and part of V4 submittal).

Planning Board - This application was on the December 18, 2023 Planning Board meeting agenda, at which the Planning Board voted 4-0 (2 absent/1 vacancy) to recommend Approval as presented to the Town Board of Commissioners. 

Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) - Contract executed with STANTEC in mid-May 2023; Notice to Proceed (NTP) provided prior to May 25th. 

  • Final TIA dated 09/18/2023 / NCDOT Preliminary Letter of Approval dated October 16, 2023 received; no further comment.

Town Board of Commissioners 

  • February 26, 2024 - The Town Board of Commissioners continued ANX-23-01 to the March 5, 2024 Town Board of Commissioners meeting. REZ-23-02 was then notified for a Legislative Hearing on 03-05-2024.
  • March 5, 2024 - The Town Board of Commissioners conduted Legislative Hearings of ANX-23-01 and REZ-23-02 and then voted 3-1 (1 absent) to approve REZ-23-02, to adopt a Plan Consistency and Reasonableness Statement, and to approve ANX-23-01.

  • PSP-24-02 - Preliminary Subdivision Plat to subdivide 105.9 acres and develop 157 Single-family detached lots and 98 Single-family Attached (Townhomes) lots, xxx Open Space lots, ____ linear feet of new TOwn public Streets, xxx, xxx, . 

    - 1st Submittal received 05-02-2024; on TRC-STAFF Review during MAY; comments published on June 10, 2024.

    - 2nd Submittal received 07-02-2024; on TRC-STAFF Review during JULY; comments to be published by/on August 05, 2024.