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Pearce Farm (fka Tom's Creek)

** These applications shall be reviewed under the Land Development Ordinance (LDO).

ANX 22-07 - APPROVED 08/15/2023 -- Petition for Voluntary Annexation of 222.94 acres into Town corporate limits.  PINs 1748884104 (17.1 ac.), 1748891680 (172.03 ac.), 1758081893 (33.81 ac.).  The application was received on 08-29-2022, and on August 15, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted 4-0-1 (Commissioner Sneed absent) to approve he request for voluntary annexation into the Town corporate limits.

MA 21-10 - APPROVED 08/15/2023 - Map Amendment (Rezoning) application originally received December 2021, subject to the Land Development Ordinance (LDO), to rezone approximately 223 acres from the Town of Rolesville RL (Residential Low Density) District and Wake County's R-30 District, to a Residential Medium Density - Conditional District (RM-CZ), with associated Conditions of Approval and a Concept Plan, per LDO Section 3.3. The approval is for a maximum of _____  Single-family detached (SFD) Dwelling Units. Review and approval highlights include:

- Between January 2022 and August 2023, ___xx__ (xx) submittals were reviewed by the Town Technical Review Committee (TRC) / Staff. 

- A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was performed, with Final Report dated July 28, 2022 and NC DOT Congestion Management Report dated August 26, 2022. 

- The Applicant conducted a Neighborhood meeting on June 2, 2022 (on-line). 

- On October 24, 2022, the Planning Board voted 4-1 on a motion to recommend Denial of the application to the Town Board of Commissioners.

- The Applicant conducted a Neighborhood meeting on December 1, 2022 (on-line). 

- On December 6, 2022, the application was notified for a Public Hearing before the Town Board of Commissioners; the Applicant withdrew the Application from that agenda just prior to the meeting occurring.

- On December 19, 2022, the application was again presented for review and recommendation to the Planning Board; there were six (6) public speakers; at the request of the Planning Board the Applicant requested to table the application review in order to address a list of 7 items (see meeting minutes) and to reconvene the discussion (date-certain) on January 23, 2023. [Note: the Application was not presented on January 23, 2023 per the Applicant].

- On March 27, 2023, the Planning Board voted 4-1-1 (4 for, 1 against, 1 absent) on a motion to recommend Approval to the Town Board of Commissioners.  

- On April 26, 2023, the Application was presented to the Town Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PARAB) and received a unanimous positive recommendation with several suggested additions to the Concept Plan.

- On May 2, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners opened a public hearing to consider the Map Amendment Rezoning request; the Board voted unanimously (5-0) to continue the public hearing and discussion to the June 6, 2023 Board meeting.

- On June 6, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners continued the Public hearing, heard an update on the Application, and voted unanimously (5-0) to continue the Public Hearing to the August 1, 2023 Town Board of Commissioners meeting. 

- On August 1, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted unanimously (5-0) to continue the open Public Hearing and review of the application to the August 15, 2023 Town Board of Commissioners work session meeting. 

- On August 15, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted 4-0-1 (Commissioner Sneed absent) to Approve the request to rezone the property from the Town of Rolesville RL (Residential Low Density) District and Wake County's R-30 District, to a Residential Medium Density - Conditional District (RM-CZ), with associated Conditions of Approval and a Concept Plan, per LDO Section 3.3. 

PSP-23-04 - Preliminary Subdivision Plat to subdivide 222.83 acres for 557 single-family detached dwelling per Rezoning MA 21-10, zoned RM-CZ.  Proposed density of 2.50 dwelling units/acre, less than the MA 21-10 permitted maximum of 2.7. 

- 1st Submittal received 12-01-2023; on TRC-Staff review during DECEMBER 2023; comments published 01-08-2024

- 2nd Submittal received 04-01-2024; on TRC-Staff review during APRIL 2024; full comments published  05-08-2024. 

- 3rd Submittal received 06-03-2024; on TRC-Staff review during JUNE 2024; comments to be published by/on  07-08-2024. 


Town Board of Commissioners Approve ANX-22-07 & MA 21-10, Pearce Farm.

August 16, 2023

On August 15, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted 4-0-1 (1 absence) on a motion to Approve the Voluntary Annexation Petition and Rezoning Map Amendment application submitted by the property owner and applicant. Please see the project webpage - - for links to the documents and materials from this meeting.

Town Board of Commissioners-Update for ANX-22-07 & MA 21-10, Pearce Farm

August 2, 2023

On August 1, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted unanimously (5-0) to continue the open Public Hearing and review of ANX-22-07 and MA 21-10, Pearce Farm Voluntary Annexation and Rezoning Map Amendment, to the August 15, 2023 Town Board of Commissioners work session meeting.  Please review the Agenda Packet when published prior to the meeting at this website:  .  

Town Board of Commissioners-Update for ANX-22-07 & MA 21-10

July 18, 2023
On August 1, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners will continue the Public Hearing, discussion, and action on ANX-22-07 and MA 21-10, Pearce Farm Voluntary Annexation and Rezoning Map Amendment.  Any revisions or new materials will be posted to the project webpage, and be included in the Agenda Packet when published prior to the meeting. 

Town Board of Commissioners-Update for ANX-22-07 & MA 21-10

May 3, 2023

On May 2, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted unanimously on a motion to continue the Public Hearing, discussion, and action on ANX-22-07 and MA 21-10, Pearce Farm Voluntary Annexation and Rezoning Map Amendment, to the June 6, 2023 regularly scheduled Town Board meeting.  The Public Hearing was kept open, and speakers may present comment at this future meeting.  Any revisions or new materials will be posted to the project webpage, and be included in the Agenda Packet when published prior to the meeting. 

Town Board of Commissioners to consider MA 21-10/ANX 22-07, Pearce Farm fka Tom's Creek

April 27, 2023

On May 2, 2023 at 7PM, the Town Board of Commissioners will be presented Map Amendment MA 21-10 and Voluntary Annexation petition ANX 220-07 for a residential subdivision project called Pearce Farm (formerly known as Tom's Creek), being proposed by property owners POGE LLC and ESNE LLC.  The request is to annex the property into Town of Rolesville corporate limits, and rezone the property from the current Residential Low Density (RL) District to the Residential Medium Density base District/ Conditional District (RM-CZ) to develop a residential subdivision of single-family detached dwelling units at an overall maximum density of 2.7 dwelling units per acre (approximately 600 dwelling units), and including public streets and utilities, private amenities, public greenways and a public park site.  The proposal includes a written list of proposed Conditions of Approval and a Concept Plan drawing.

Planning Board to consider MA 21-10/ANX 22-07, Tom's Creek

October 10, 2022

On October 24, 2022 at 7PM, the Planning Board will be presented Map Amendment MA 21-10 and Voluntary Annexation petition ANX 220-07 for a residential subdivision project called Tom's Creek, being proposed by property Owner POGE LLC and ESNE LLC.  The request is to annex the property into Town of Rolesville corporate limits, and rezone the property from the current Residential Low Density (RL) District to the Residential Medium Density base District/ Conditional District (RM-CZ) to develop a residential subdivision of single-family detached dwelling units at an overall maximum density of 2.7 dwelling units per acre (approximately 600 dwelling units), and including public streets and utilities, private amenities, public greenways and a public park site.  The proposal includes a written list of proposed Conditions of Approval and a Concept Plan drawing.


MA 21-20/ANX 22-07 - Town Board of Commissioners Mtg 05-02-2023