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306 S. Main Street - Scooters Coffee

306 S. Main Street (PIN 1759806076) is a 0.7 acre lot, being Lot 3 of 'Subdivision for Sonic Dive In Town of Rolesville', BM2007/PG143, and is zoned the General Commercial (GC) District under the Land Development Ordinance (LDO).

VAR-24-02 - Variance - APPROVED 2024-04-09 - Request to modify/vary the required Type 3 Perimeter Bufferyard requirements of LDO Section in three ways as observed on a Landscape Plan exhibit.  The property has a total of 135 ' of rear property line. 

  • Request #1 applies to a 49' length of the rear property line of the subject property (adjacent PIN 1759806216), whereby the Bufferyard depth would reduce from the required 25' to 8', or a 17' depth reduction. The Applicant intends to provide the required tree and shrub materials within this reduced Buffer depth area.
  • Request #2  applies to a 40' length of the rear property line of the subject property (adjacent PIN 1759806216), whereby the Bufferyard depth would reduce from the required 25' to 5', or a 20' depth reduction. The Applicant intends to provide the required tree and shrub materials within this reduced Buffer depth area. 
  • Request #3  is to place the required 6' Fence outside the 25' Bufferyard space, more interior to the site, as shown on the Landscape Plan.

    April 9, 2024 Board of Adjustment (BOA) Meeting - an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial hearing was conducted and the Board voted 4-0 (1 absent) on a motion to Approve.


SDP-23-09 - APPROVED - 2024-10-15 - Site Development Plan for development of lot for an Eating Establishment use (specifically a drive-through only coffee store). Four (4) Submittals were reviewed by TRC-STAFF between NOVEMBER 2023 and September 2024.  Associated Wake County Permits - SEC-121946-2024 and SWF-121938-2024.  Associated NCDOT Permits - D051-092-24-00038 & D051-092-24-00039.   Signature Approvals received/Dated: Town of Rolesville - 2024-09-24 / Wake County Watershed Mgmt - 2024-09-17      / City of Raleigh Utilities - 2024-10-15. 

  • STATUS 10/29/24 - Applicant held/conducted a Pre-Construction (Site) and Pre-Vertical (Building Permit) meeting with the Town, Wake County permitting, City of Raleigh Utilities, and NCDOT attendees.
  • STATUS 10/31/24 - Applicants intention is to start site construction on December 9, 2024.
  • STATUS 01/09/2025 - Site Construction has commenced on the property. 


Scooter's Coffee site construction has begun at 306 S Main St.

January 9, 2025

Site construction of a Scooter's coffee drive-thru business has begun on the property at 306 S. Main Street, immediately next to the Sonic restaurant.   Site Development Plan approval occurred in September of 2024. At this time there is no disclosed estimate of completion/opening.   All questions regarding the project and its construction should be directed to Matt Hendrickson with Prostruction Inc. at .