111, 113, and 115 W. Young Street
REZ-23-07 - Rezoning (Map Amendment) - APPROVED 05/07/2024 - Rezone the three properties from the current Residential Low (RL) District to a General Commercial Conditional Zoning (GC-CZ) District, with a set of proposed Conditions of Approval that commit to: 1.) a maximum of 7 'Upper-story dwelling unit' residential units; (2.) a list of 21 Prohibited Zoning Uses; (3.) development of a maximum of 30,000 square feet of gross floor area of Non-residential uses. The applicaiton was reviewed 3 times by TRC Staff between December 2023 and March 2024. On March 25, 2024, the Planning Board was presented the Rezoning application, and on a motion to Recommend approval to the Town Board of Commissioners, the Board voted 3-2 (+ 2 absent). On May 7, 2024, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted a Legislative Hearing and considered the Rezoning application request; on a motion to Approve the Rezoning request as presented; to Adopt a Plan Consistency and Reasonableness Statement; and to Adopt Ordinance 2024-O-08 - the Board voted unanimously 5-0.
SDP-24-08 - 115 W Young - UNDER REVIEW - Site Development Plan for 115 W. Young Street ( LO1 L R ROGERS EST BM2009 -00928 )to convert and change the use of the property and structure from single-family detached dwelling unit to a non-residential Professional Office Use by the development of parking lot, perimeter bufferyard, pedestrian facilities, and demolition/removal of several features from when property was a residence.
- 1st Submittal received 2024-09-20; on TRC Review during OCTOBER 2024; comments published on November 12, 2024.
- 2nd Submittal received 2024-12-02; on TRC Review during DECEMBER 2024; comments published on December 21, 2024.
Planning Board Meeting on March 25, 2024
Rezoning Map Amendment REZ-23-07 will be on the agenda for the Planning Board meeting to be held Monday, March 25, 2024, at 7PM at Rolesville Town Hall. Please refer to https://www.rolesvillenc.gov/agendas-minutes for the Agenda and packet on/by Friday, March 22, 2024.
Neighborhood Meeting for REZ-23-07 / 111-113-115 W. Young St.
The Applicant for Rezoning request REZ-23-07 conducted a Neighborhood Meeting on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Rolesville Community Center. See the uploaded files on this meeting.