Stormwater refers to rain and snow that flows off hard surfaces such as driveways and roads. Storm drains located in the curb are designed to remove stormwater from traffic lanes through an underground pipe system. With the exception of driveway pipes, the Town maintains culverts and other stormwater infrastructure in the public right-of-way. Generally, property owners are responsible for the maintenance of any open ditches located on private property.
A stormwater easement is a dedicated piece of private property with certain restrictions that allows for access and maintenance of a stormwater drainage pipe or ditch. The Town is not responsible for maintenance or replacement any of the grass, trees, brush, or landscaping within an easement. The Town will maintain public drainage features to ensure proper flow but not aesthetics. Permanent structures like buildings are not allowed in the easement. Driveways, fences, and landscaping are allowed within the easement but the Town will not be responsible for replacing any of these items if they must be removed for maintenance access.
Materials that enter the storm drains, including litter and other pollutants, go directly to area streams and watershed. Stormwater runoff accumulates pollutants such as sediment, oil and grease, chemicals, nutrients, metals, and bacteria as it travels across land. Unlike sinks, showers, and toilets, when anything goes down a storm drain it goes directly to the nearest stream, lake, or river. Any pollution that is in that stormwater or dumped down the drain will end up in our waterbodies untreated.
Report stormwater issues such as illegal discharge or pollution to the Public Works Department by calling Town Hall or using the Report a Concern feature at the top of this webpage.