Resource Center Community Meeting September 6, 2019 Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm Rolesville Community Center Join us in sharing your thoughts on how to address food insecurity or share what your organization is already doing to fight hunger and lack of access to healthy food in our town. Goals of the meeting: - strengthen food access for those with needs - build better collaboration between organizations and community members -... Blasting Permit Issued for Elizabeth Springs September 6, 2019 The Town of Rolesville has issued a blasting permit for Elizabeth Springs subdivision. The blasting site is located at 1205 Averette Rd. Rolesville Town Code Section 130.04 Item B9 restricts blasting, hammering, and drilling activity to weekdays, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Report violations to the Police... Holiday Schedule - Waste Delayed August 29, 2019 The Rolesville Town Hall will be closed in observance of Labor Day on Monday, September 2. Due to the holiday, garbage and recycling collection will be delayed one day to Wednesday, September 4. Projects on Granite Falls Boulevard August 20, 2019 Beginning tonight (Aug 20) at 7pm, crews will be onsite to restripe Granite Falls Blvd between Young Street and Rogers Road. The restriping will eliminate the center turn lane, which will allow on-street parking on the north side (Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club) and add bike lanes to both sides of the street. The south side (Sanford Creek Elementary School) will be signed “No Parking”. Crews... July is National Parks and Recreation Month July 25, 2019 GAME ON!! July is National Parks and Recreation Month. Get out and enjoy our local parks and while you’re there, show us some of your best dance moves. Post them online and make sure you tag it with #PARKRECTWOSTEPCHALLENGE #ROLESVILLE Who knows?! You could be the next viral sensation! Granite Falls Boulevard Ribbon Cutting July 17, 2019 The Town of Rolesville officially celebrated the completion of a project to construct an extension of Granite Falls Boulevard between Rogers Road and Grand Rock Way. This road will help with traffic flow for the nearby residents as well as Thales Academy. The road segment features bicycle lanes and sidewalks, consistent with the Town’s desire to create a walkable community. A traffic signal has... Ribbon Cutting Scheduled July 9, 2019 The road project to construct an extension of Granite Falls Boulevard between Rogers Road and Grand Rock Way is almost complete. Town officials and staff will hold the official ribbon cutting on Tuesday, July 16 at 6:30pm at the western end of Grand Rock Way. The road is anticipated to open by early August, as the new traffic signal at Rogers Road and Granite Falls Boulevard becomes fully... Upcoming Election Information July 3, 2019 The Town of Rolesville Board of Commissioners has three seats open in this upcoming election. The Mayoral seat for a term of four years and two Commissioner seats also having four-year terms. To stay up-to-date on candidates for these seats, frequent the Wake County Board of Election's website beginning at 5:15 pm on Friday, July 5th and ending on July 19th. The last day for candidates to withdraw... Road Safety June 10, 2019 Please be mindful of the roads that were damaged from the recent rainfall. Be sure to check for safe routes before you leave home. Help Keep Rolesville Looking Beautiful June 7, 2019 The Town of Rolesville is taking a proactive approach to promote the town as a safe, healthy and attractive community. Beautification efforts are a priority especially as Rolesville continues to grow, and as the town implements the Main Street Vision Plan and encourages new commercial growth along US Highway 401 Business. In keeping with this aim, at their June 4 meeting, the Town Board approved... Solid Waste Billing Change June 5, 2019 Beginning July 1, 2019 Town residents will no longer receive bi-monthly bills for the solid waste service fee. The annual amount for the solid waste fee will be included on the residential property tax bill for 2019. This change was implemented in order to improve the efficiency and equity of solid waste billing and to provide a more convenient method of payment for citizens. Make note of this... Downtown Development Proposal Presentation May 30, 2019 A developer interested in building a mixed-use development at the corner of Young and Main Street will be showcasing their design concept at a public engagement session Thursday evening, June 6th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall. This is a "drop in anytime" event open to the public to learn more about the proposal, ask questions, and provide feedback. This corner of... Solid Waste Service Delay - May 29 May 20, 2019 Due to the Memorial Day holiday, weekly garbage and recycling service will be delayed to Wednesday, May 29. Stay up to date on solid waste service dates through the Town’s calendar. Raleigh Transit Authority Meeting May 9th April 26, 2019 Raleigh Transit Authority will hold a public hearing on May 9th at 4:00 p.m. to present the proposed 2019 service expansions. The meeting will be at the Raleigh Transit Authority Council Chambers located on the second floor of 222 W. Hargett St. in Raleigh. Beginning in September 2019, bus service will connect Rolesville and Triangle Town Center during peak hours. This hearing is your opportunity... National Day of Prayer Breakfast April 24, 2019 Mayor Eagles cordially invites you to the annual prayer breakfast to be held Tuesday, May 2, 2019 (National Day of Prayer) at New Bethel Church, 605 E. Young Street, Rolesville, NC 27571 beginning at 7:00 AM Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page … 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next › Next page Last » Last page