(All applications reviewed under the Unified Development Ordinance [UDO])
Elizabeth Springs is a residential subdivision of approximately 82 acres, originally approved to develop up to 89 single-family detached lots/homes, and 98 single-family attached lots (Townhomes). A later approval increased the maximum allowed dwelling units to 100 Single-family detached and 105 Single-family attached (Townhome) units. The Development was initially named 'Elizabeth Heights'. The original developer was Wright-Whiteley Development Company, LLC, with property ownership being Douglas Jones. Property ownership and development rights changed to Experience One Homes LLC via Deed Bk017509/Pg1101-1103 recorded 2019-07-18.
SUP 17-02 (Approved 2018-05-01 by Town Board) - Special Use Permit to adopt a new planned unit development (PUD) master plan with conditions. The Order for SUP 17-02 was recorded on 09/24/2018 as Bk017248/pg01636-01645 to allow 89 SFD and 98 Townhouse lots, subject to the Conditions.
Finding of Fact #3 states "6.53 acres of the Property is excluded from this special use permit request; however, access from the SUP property and Averette Road runs through the 6.53 acres excluded, and this 6.53 acres are zoned R-40W."
S (aka PR) 18-01 (Approved 2018-06-05 by Town Board) - Preliminary Subdivision Plat application for 89 SFD lots and 98 Townhome lots. The ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board on __date tbd__ as Consent Agenda Item __tbd__, and this document was recorded on __date tbd__ as BK ___xxx__/PG__xxx__.
SUP 18-04 (Approved 2018-10-02 by Town Board) - Special Use Permit that amends SUP 17-02 Conditions #5 (regarding minimum square footage of homes) and #7 (foundation types for single-family detached homes). On 10-02-2018, the Town Board unanimously Approved SUP 18-04. On 04/02/2019, the Town Board approved on the Consent Agenda an item entitled "Elizabeth Heights SUP Order: Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law". The ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board on __date tbd__ as Consent Agenda Item __tbd__, and this document was recorded on __date tbd__ as BK ___xxx__/PG__xxx__.
CD 18-01 (Approved 2019-04-25 by Planning Director) - Construction Drawings for the infrastructure of the entire subdivision including Watershed Removal Area.
SP 19-01 (Approved 2019-11-04 by Town Board) - Site Plan ie Preliminary Subdivision and Construction Drawings combined, for the Townhome section of the development. Following an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial public hearing, Agenda Item C.7. was Approved unanimously by the Town Board of Commissioners on 11-04-2019. The Resolution was recorded on 01/24/2020 as Bk017725/Pg01171-01174.
SUP 19-03 (Approved 2019-11-04 by Town Board) - Special Use Permit that amends SUP 17-02, to incorporate phasing of road improvements into the plans. On 11-04-2019, The Town Board conducted an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial hearing, and approved the application. The ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board on 2019-12-03 as Consent Agenda Item __tbd__, and this document was recorded on __date tbd__ as BK ___xxx__/PG__xxx__.
FP 20-01 (RECORDED 2021-01-15 as BM2021/Pg119-126 - Elizabeth Springs Phase 1 Final Plat) - creating 42 residential Lots, being Lots # 1 - 22, 63-82. Note - Recorded lots 1,2,3,4 deviate from proposed Lots 1,2,3,4 in Approved Preliminary Subdivision Plat S (PR) 18-01.
FP 20-02 (RECORDED 2021-01-15 as BM2021/Pg109-114 - Elizabeth Springs Phase 1 Townhome Final Plat) - creating 54 Townhouse Lots, being Lots # 1-31, 53-65, 96-105. Note - Lot sequence for Recorded lots #16-31, 53-65, and 96-105 deviate from that within Approved Preliminary Subdivision Plat S (PR) 18-01. Recorded Lots 97 - 105 do not exist on and thus deviate from Approved Preliminary Subdivision Plat S (PR) 18-01.
FP 21-04 (RECORDED 2021-07-06 as BM2021/pg1210 - Elizabeth Springs Phase 1 Lots 1-4, 83-85) - Re-subdividing Lot 4 from FP 20-04/BM2021/Pg119-126 into Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and "Old Lot 4"; re-subdividing Lot 3 from FP 20-04/BM2021/Pg119-126 into Lots 83, 84, and 85 and "Old Lot 3"; renaming Lots 1 and 2 from FP 20-04/BM2021/Pg119-126 to 'Future Development, No other changes at this time. Future Development will be subdivided once it is rezoned from R-40W to R&PUD". This plat thus created 7 new Single-family Detached residential lots that did not previously exist; already platted Lot #3 was reduced in size and became "Old Lot 3"; already platted Lot #4 was reduced in size and became "Old Lot 4"; already platted Lots 1 and 2 are unchanged save for language about future rezoning and resubdivision. Combined, 7 new lots, 2 reconfigured and re-referenced lots, and 2 re-referenced lots equal 11 lots being recorded.
FP 21-08 (RECORDED 2022-03-25 as BM2022/Pg572-576 - Elizabeth Springs Phase 2A, Lots 23-62, 86, 87 Final Plat - Creating 42 residential lots being Phase 2A, lots 23-62, 86, and 87.
FP 22-05 (RECORDED 2022-04-07 as BM2022/Pg670 - Elizabeth Springs Phase 1A Townhomes - Recombination of Lots 61-65, OS#13, OS#14 - FInal Plat -- Recombination of Lots 61-65 and OS#13 & OS#14 to reduce lot widths and/or areas as follows: Lot 65: 33.5' to 33.25', 3,400SF to 3,325 SF / Lot 64: 27' to 26.25', 2,700 SF to 2,625 SF / Lot 63: 27' to 26.25', 2,700 SF to 2,625 SF / Lot 62: 27' to 26.25', 2,700 SF to 2,625 SF / Lot 61: 34.0' to 33.25', 3,400SF to 3,325 SF / Open Space Lot #13 increased from 2,316SF to 2,503SF / Open Space Lot #14 increased from 8,216 SF to 8,404 SF.
MA 22-02 (Approved 2022-06-07 by Town Board) - Map Amendment (Rezoning) Application for 4.98 acres (6.53 acres minus dedicated/recorded Right-of-way)from R40W District to the R&PUD District under the UDO, being the land removed from the Little River Watershed Protection Overlay. On 06/07/2022, the Town Board of Commissioners held a public hearing and then unanimously (5-0) Approved the Application. A Resolution of this action is TBD.
SUP 22-01 (Approved 2022-06-07 by Town Board) - Special Use Permit that amends SUP 17-02, for 4.98 acres (6.53 acres minus dedicated/recorded Right-of-way) being the area rezoned to R&PUD pursuant to MA 22-02, being the land removed from the Little River Watershed Protection Overlay. This SUP includes a Condition that requests the maximum number of dwelling units permitted to increase, from 89 Single-family detached to 100, and 98 Townhome units to 105. On 06/07/2022, the Town Board of Commissioners held an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial public hearing, and then unanimously (5-0) Approved the Application. The ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board on __date tbd__ as Consent Agenda Item __tbd__, and this document was recorded on __date tbd__ as BK ___xxx__/PG__xxx__.
PR 22-03 (Approved 2022-06-07 by Town Board) - Preliminary Subdivision Plat for 4.98 acres (6.53 acres minus dedicated/recorded Right-of-way) being the area rezoned to R&PUD pursuant to MA 22-02, being the land removed from the Little River Watershed Protection Overlay. The Preliminary Plat shows the general layout and compliance of development pursuant to SUP 22-01. On 06/07/2022, the Town Board of Commissioners held an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial public hearing, and then unanimously (5-0) Approved the Application. The ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board on __date tbd__ as Consent Agenda Item __tbd__, and this document was recorded on __date tbd__ as BK ___xxx__/PG__xxx__.
FP 21-09 (Recorded on 2022-07-01 as BM2022_Pg1237-1238 - Elizabeth Springs Phase 1, Lots 88-100 Final Plat) - Final Plat to Record 13 residential lots. Four (4) Submittals received and reviewed between November 2021 and May 2022; .
SP 20-01 (Approved 2022-07-06 by Town Board) - Site Plan for an Amenity Center. On July 6, 2022, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted an Evidentiary Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing and unanimously (5-0) Approved the application. The ORDER of Approval document was approved by the Town Board on __date tbd__ as Consent Agenda Item __tbd__, and this document was recorded on __date tbd__ as BK _xxx__/PG_xxx_.
FSP-23-01 (RECORDED 2023-02-23 as BM2023/Pg320 - Recombination Phase 2, Lots 61 & 62) - Final Plat to slightly move the adjoining side lot line between lots 61 & 62 (originally recorded in FP 22-05, BM2022/pg574).
Wake County Permit SEC-134543-2024 - Approved 2024-11-18 for revisions to Lots Lots 1-4, 61-65, 102-105.
Subdivision Bond PB00155801273 Released 2025-02-15.
REVISION to SP 19-01 - Site Plan ie Preliminary Subdivision and Construction Drawings combined - UNDER REVIEW - This is an application to Revise the previously Approved Site Plan SP 19-01, for the 10.11 acre portion that comprises the Phase 2 of Tract B, approved for Single-family Attached (Townhome) dwelling units. The original approval had XX dwellings units in the Phase 2 of Tract B. This revision proposes 51 residential lots, ## non-residential lots, ## linear feet of new public right-of-ways being XNAME , XNAME, XName,. The original SP 19-01 was Approved unanimously by the Town Board of Commissioners on 11-04-2019; only the Phase 1 of Townhomes was developed to date.
- 1st submittal received 2024-12-19; on review by TRC Staff during JANUARY 2025; comments published on 2025-01-28.
- 2nd submittal received 2025-02-21; on review by TRC Staff during MARCH 2025; comments published on 2025-03-17.
FSP-25-09 - Tract B Townhomes Phase 2 - UNDER REVIEW - Final Subdivision plat to subdivide 10.11 acres into 51 Single-family Attached (SFA, Townhome) lots, 3 open space lots (Passive Open Space #3; Passive Open Space #4; Improved Open Space #6), xxx linear feet of 50' public right-of-way (Blue Dasher Ln, Barrel Owl Trl), etc.
- 1st submittal received 2025-02-24; on review by TRC Staff during MARCH 2025; comments to be published by/on 2025-04-07.
Experience One Homes
PO Box 5509
Cary, NC 27512
Engineering Firm
Bateman Civil Survey
2524 Reliance Ave.
Apex, NC 27539