Open Space & Greenway Plan and Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
The Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan identifies infrastructure, program, and policy recommendations that will establish Rolesville as a bike-friendly community. The Open Space & Greenway Plan expands on the existing network of greenways and trails to connect with existing and planned parks, recreational facilities, and transportation corridors throughout the community. Both the Bicycle & Pedestrian and Open Space & Greenway Plans were adopted by the Town Board during the August 2, 2022 meeting.
Community Feedback on the Draft Greenway and Bicycle Plan
The Town of Rolesville had a public meeting and Open House on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 from 4:30-6:30pm. The meeting was conducted at Town Hall with a virtual participation option via Zoom for those unable to attend physically. The drafts and concept board shared with the public on May 25th are available in the resource list below.
The Town is still accepting public comments about the plans until Friday, June 10th. If you would like to submit a comment, please send your comments to Kathryn Zeringue.
Plan Resources:
- Draft Rolesville Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan-May 2022
- Draft Rolesville Open Space & Greenway Plan-July 2022
- Rolesville Destinations
- Rolesville Greenway Network – Opportunities & Constraints
- Rolesville Bicycle Network – Opportunities & Constraints
- Rolesville Draft Greenway Network
- Rolesville Draft Bicycle Network
- Rolesville Draft Bicycle and Greenway Network
- Rolesville Draft Priority Bicycle Projects
- Rolesville Draft Priority Greenway Projects
Concept Board (May 2022)
Steering Committee Presentations:
Steering Committee Meeting #1 Presentation (June 23,2021)
Steering Committee Meeting #1 served as the project kick-off for the Rolesville Greenway Plan and Bicycle Plan. The meeting agenda included an overview of previous bicycle and pedestrian planning efforts, a project visioning exercise, a review of existing conditions, an overview of the community participation approach, and an exercise to identify key destinations and opportunities and challenges.
Steering Committee Meeting #2 Presentation (October 26, 2021)
Steering Committee Meeting #2 provided an overview of draft recommendations for the Rolesville Greenway Plan and Bicycle Plan. The meeting agenda include a review of community survey results, draft vision and goals, draft network recommendations, prioritization criteria, and draft program and policy recommendations.