4124 Burlington Mills Road
REZ-23-06 - Rezoning Map amendment request to change the Zoning District from Residential Low (RL) Density to General Industrial (GI) as a Conditional Zoning (CZ) District, with a Condition that restricts the use and development of the property to only the "Public Safety Facility" and "Warehousing" Zoning specific uses. On December 18, 2023, the Planning Board heard presentations of the Rezoning request, and on a motion to recommend Approval to the Town Board of Commissioners, voted 3-0 (1 absence, 1 recusal, 1 vacancy). On February 6, 2024, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted a Legislative Hearing (no speakers), and voted 4-0-1 (1 recusal) on a Motion to Approve, with a revision to the Condition of Approval to clarify that the Warehousing Use shall be limited to Public Fire Protection Services.
REZ-23-06 at Town Board of Commissioners 02/06/2024
On February 6, 2024, the Town Board of Commissioners, on a Motion to Approve, with a clarification to Condition of Approval that the proposed Warehousing Use shall be limited to Public Fire Protection Services, voted 4-0 (1 recusal) on Rezoning Map Amendment application REZ-23-06. The Legislative Hearing was conducted, with no speakers.